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Orbital and Celestial Mechanics

$ 83.97 - Orbital and Celestial Mechanics - SALE
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$ 83.97 - Orbital and Celestial Mechanics - SALE
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Orbital and Celestial Mechanics affords engineering students, professors, and researchers alike an opportunity to cultivate the mathematical techniques necessary for this discipline—as well as physics and trajectory mechanics—using the familiar and universal concepts of classical physics. For nonspecialists and students unfamiliar with some of the underlying math principles, the Vinti Spheroidal Method demonstrates computer routines for accurately calculating satellite orbit and ballistic trajectory. More than 20 years ago, Dr. Vinti’s revolutionary method was used aboard a ballistic missile targeting program with great success. His work continues to enable both students and professionals to predict position and velocity vectors for satellites and ballistic missiles almost as accurately as numerical integration. Now, the best Vinti algorithms and companion computer source codes are available in one comprehensive package.

System Requirements: PC-compatible with MS Windows 95, FORTRAN, and Visual C++ Powerstation 4.0; also mentions UNIX Powerstation with Vi editor.